
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021


In today's lesson, we have learned to use a set of tools to create interactive exercises. Hot Potatoes is composed of six different tools and each one of them is used to create a different interactive exercise. Here we have the six different tools Hot Potatoes has: 1. JCloze: for text with blank spaces 2. JMatch: for questions 3. JQuiz: for crosswords 4. Jcross: to order sentences 5. JMix: for association exercises 6. The Masher: to remix all exercises of the previous. For this lesson's activity we had to open Hot Potatoes version 7 in MyApps. Once the app was opened we had to select each one of the different tools, one by one, and to start creating activities about our topics directed to a younger audience. For all the activities created with this app we first had to save the file as a Jcloze, JMatch... file format and then we had to create a web page with the exercise. First, we had to open  JCloze and followed the following steps: 1. Enter data:     a. Write title ...


In this lesson, we have learned about the different types of multimedia content. We saw the difference between digital multimedia, such as text, images, graphics, videos, animations, and sounds, among others, and interactive multimedia, which allow the interaction of user, some examples are tests and social networks. We also talked about the different types of images and their formats, the different types of sounds in terms of file format and about the different types of video file formats. We also were informed about podcasts and an examples of podcast platforms like iVoox. In the second part of the lesson we used MyApps WorkSpace. MyApps is a university web page where all students can access to a variety of programs, and apps. In "my R:" you can create a new folder to save your documents or tasks created with myApps.  For this lesson's activity, first, we had to download the pictures 1, 2, and 3 from Aula Virtual. Then we had to open GIMP (Spanish version) through MyApp...


In this lesson, we focused on Netiquette, which means “Internet etiquette” and is a code of good behaviour on the Internet. It is essential to know this in order to use Internet as some behaviours can be extremely harmful and dangerous. The main objectives of this lesson were: to know what civic participation is, to know how the information and communication technologies ease civic participation, to know the electronic services that Public Administrations offer to citizens, to know the technology can be used to participate in democratic actions, to be aware of the technologies and digital media potential as tools for civic participation and to understand how the technology can be used to interact with other services. For this activity we had to know the basic rules for proper communication in virtual environments, to earn to use the main rules of use in communication contexts in virtual environments and we had to know how to reflect this in a comic. We also had to know how to use tools...


To start with, the main objectives of this lesson were: to be aware of the channels to connect with others and to collaborate by digital tools with the end of the interaction, to be able to use the technology and tools to work in a team, to create collaborative projects, and to create and to build common resources, knowledge, and contents, to know and to use collaborative tools such as forums and wikis, to take part in sharing public spaces and to control and to share teaching contents by software collaborative tools.  Digital collaboration refers to the use of digital tools with the aim of collaborating. The current digital tools and the Internet let a high number of people communicate in between them and share contents and work in the same way to get a shared goal. Also, the concept “online collaboration” is directly related to “digital collaboration”, whose meaning is similar, but the field of application that is only and exclusively the Internet. In terms of tools for digital c...


The main objectives of this lesson were: to know what civic participation is, to know how the information and communication technologies ease civic participation, to know the electronic services that Public Administrations offer to citizens, to know the technology can be used to participate in democratic actions, to be aware of the technologies and digital media potential as tools for civic participation and to understand how the technology can be used to interact with other services. In the first of the three practical tasks we had to make in relation with civic participation, consisted of creating a Doodle to decide the date of a meeting, and then the rest of the group had to answer that survey.  I created a survey in Doodle so that all people could participate in it and I could be able to organize the event or the meeting with the data obtained from the results. First, I created the survey and gave the participants the option to choose one of the three days that I set for a meet...


In this lesson, we focused on how to share information and digital contents and how this will be useful for our future students. We had to do two activities, an individual and a group one. In the individual activity I created a mind map using Mindomo and an infographic about my group didactic unit explaining one concept related. And in the group one, all members of my group had to sing in a Genially account and create a presentation about our chosen topic, the peace day. For the first part of the individual activity, we had to create an infographic. They are very useful as they show information in a simple and visual way and also help with memorizing things as they stimulate photographic memory by being simple and are easy and fast to create. I chose a topic regarding my group topic unit and made this graphic visual representation with the objective of presenting information quickly, clearly and in a way that appears attractive and captures the attention to the user. In the image b...