In today's lesson, we have learned to use a set of tools to create interactive exercises. Hot Potatoes is composed of six different tools and each one of them is used to create a different interactive exercise. Here we have the six different tools Hot Potatoes has: 1. JCloze: for text with blank spaces 2. JMatch: for questions 3. JQuiz: for crosswords 4. Jcross: to order sentences 5. JMix: for association exercises 6. The Masher: to remix all exercises of the previous. For this lesson's activity we had to open Hot Potatoes version 7 in MyApps. Once the app was opened we had to select each one of the different tools, one by one, and to start creating activities about our topics directed to a younger audience. For all the activities created with this app we first had to save the file as a Jcloze, JMatch... file format and then we had to create a web page with the exercise. First, we had to open JCloze and followed the following steps: 1. Enter data: a. Write title ...