In today's lesson, we have learned to use a set of tools to create interactive exercises. Hot Potatoes is composed of six different tools and each one of them is used to create a different interactive exercise. Here we have the six different tools Hot Potatoes has:
After the activity in JMix, we had to create another one in JCross
1. JCloze: for text with blank spaces
2. JMatch: for questions
3. JQuiz: for crosswords
4. Jcross: to order sentences
5. JMix: for association exercises
6. The Masher: to remix all exercises of the previous.
For this lesson's activity we had to open Hot Potatoes version 7 in MyApps. Once the app was opened we had to select each one of the different tools, one by one, and to start creating activities about our topics directed to a younger audience. For all the activities created with this app we first had to save the file as a Jcloze, JMatch... file format and then we had to create a web page with the exercise.
First, we had to open JCloze and followed the following steps:
1. Enter data:
a. Write title
b. Write in the box all the necessary text:
Then to select the blanks we had two options:
a. Manually: select text and select the create gap tool
b. Automatically (auto-gap)
c. To edit (show words)
2. Save
3. Output format setting
4. Webpage creation
5. Save
In the photos uploaded below, the first one shows the app where the activity still being created and where I had added different alternative answers, and in the second one the activity appears as a web page after creating it.
Then, we had to open JMatch and followed the following steps:
1. Enter data
a. Write title
b. Write elements in right order (left box)
c. Write elements (jumbled) in right box
d. Add more options
e. We can “fix” two options (right)
f. Default: if we choose a drop-down menu
2. Save
3. Output format setting
4. Webpage creation
5. Save
In the photos uploaded below, the first one shows the app where the activity still being created and in the second one is the final result of the activity. I added images for the activity to be more visual and interactive.
After that, we had to open JMix and follow the steps below:
1. Enter data
a. Write title
b. Write one sentence (Main sentence), one word or segment per line
c. You can give alternative solutions if you like (Alternate sentences)
2. Save
3. Output format setting
4. Webpage creation
5. Save
In the photos uploaded below, the first one shows the app where the activity still being created and in the second one the activity appears as a web page after creating it.
1. Enter data:
a. Write a title
b. Write different words, move with mouse or keyboard
c. When you finish -> add clues:
i. One definition per word
ii. Remember to click on “Ok” for each definition
iii. Click in the last “Ok” when you've written all the definitions
2. Output format setting
3. Webpage creation
4. Save
In the photos uploaded below, the first one shows the app where the activity still being created and in the second one is the final result of the activity.
Finally, we had to create an activity in JQuizz. This potato is very useful to make quizzes with many options, such as Multiple choice, short answer, multi-select, and hybrid. This is the result of my quizz about the Peace Day:
Before finishing, it is important to check that if you click on the activity, the activity opens and you have the option to go back and forward.
The final step of the task is to use the option in Hot Potatoes called "The Masher." For this one, we just had to upload all the previous files we created and the app creates an index where you can click in each activity created.
Overall, I think what we have learned a lot with these two lessons and it has been very useful for our future as teachers as these tools are perfect for doing interactive activities for our students.
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