

 The objectives of this lesson were: • Know and know how to apply the security measures that guarantee physical and mental integrity in the use of digital technology. • Know how to protect yourself on the Web. • Identify the factors to take into account to protect health from working with digital technology. • Learn cybersecurity by playing. In this class we talked about what does our mobile device contain, reflected in whether we invest enough time in device security or not, or users being aware of the vulnerability of the information. The main control measures are: - Device access: Unlock code, facial recognition, visual pattern, fingerprint. - Shared data: Bluetooth, manage location. - Remote in case of theft or loss. - External memory. Then, it is also important to make security patches and updates, since there is a very common thing called Malware, which is a malicious program that seeks to obtain personal data and money. So, it is important to have an antivirus and Malware De...


In this lesson, we had to create a Scratch project in which we had to include 7 parts of the theory using our topic, Peace Day. Each part will be explained with a screenshot for visual help.  • VARIABLES AND OUTPUT In the first part of the project we had to create a story or a scene using variables and output in both sprites. We used a backdrop that could represent “Peace Day” and we chose this bench because it’s in a high place where you can breathe pure air and have a perfect view of the town and the sea, which, to many people, is a place where they go when they seek peace. We decided to make an interactive conversation where they asked each other’s names and age. After this conversation, we hid the two sprites and moved to the next part. Here we can perfectly see the use of variables and output. We used the “say … for two seconds” boxes to write down what they have to say and the “wait” boxes so what they say doesn’t appear at the same time and the conversation makes sense. Afte...


For the group assignment in this class, we had create an interactive exercise with Live Worksheets, which is an interactive tool where teachers and other educators can create different worksheets regarding a topic of their choice. The goal is to upload the worksheet created to live worksheets and then be able to put the correct answers and create different types of exercises. Educators are also able to share the worksheets they have created with the rest of the users in order to help or inspire other indivdiuals for their own worksheets. We did a fill in the blanks activity and another activity about ordering names and images. Finally, once they have filled out all of the exercises and check their answers a grade will appear at the top as we can observe below: For the individual assignment, I have decided to talk about Ardora ( http://webardora.net/index_cas.htm ), a computer application for teachers, which allows them to create their own web content, in a very simple way. I found this...


On today's lesson we started working with JClic. JClic, a very useful app and in this class we used it for creating activities for children. It has three applications: JClic Author, which is the one specific for designing activities and the one we had to use, JClic Player, for students to open and do the activities and finally, JClic Reports, which is used for grading the activities. In order to use JClic Author, we had to search for it in MyApps. We also had to create a new folder for saving these activities in "My Documents: R". To start the activity on JClic Author, we had to open the application and create a new project. After that, we had to start using the different tools to create different exercises. Exercise 1: Information screen With this tool, you create an introductory screen to let people to know what the activity is about or any information you would like to add. You can edit the page with different colors, change the size of the boxes, and add different mes...


In today's lesson, we have learned to use a set of tools to create interactive exercises. Hot Potatoes is composed of six different tools and each one of them is used to create a different interactive exercise. Here we have the six different tools Hot Potatoes has: 1. JCloze: for text with blank spaces 2. JMatch: for questions 3. JQuiz: for crosswords 4. Jcross: to order sentences 5. JMix: for association exercises 6. The Masher: to remix all exercises of the previous. For this lesson's activity we had to open Hot Potatoes version 7 in MyApps. Once the app was opened we had to select each one of the different tools, one by one, and to start creating activities about our topics directed to a younger audience. For all the activities created with this app we first had to save the file as a Jcloze, JMatch... file format and then we had to create a web page with the exercise. First, we had to open  JCloze and followed the following steps: 1. Enter data:     a. Write title ...


In this lesson, we have learned about the different types of multimedia content. We saw the difference between digital multimedia, such as text, images, graphics, videos, animations, and sounds, among others, and interactive multimedia, which allow the interaction of user, some examples are tests and social networks. We also talked about the different types of images and their formats, the different types of sounds in terms of file format and about the different types of video file formats. We also were informed about podcasts and an examples of podcast platforms like iVoox. In the second part of the lesson we used MyApps WorkSpace. MyApps is a university web page where all students can access to a variety of programs, and apps. In "my R:" you can create a new folder to save your documents or tasks created with myApps.  For this lesson's activity, first, we had to download the pictures 1, 2, and 3 from Aula Virtual. Then we had to open GIMP (Spanish version) through MyApp...


In this lesson, we focused on Netiquette, which means “Internet etiquette” and is a code of good behaviour on the Internet. It is essential to know this in order to use Internet as some behaviours can be extremely harmful and dangerous. The main objectives of this lesson were: to know what civic participation is, to know how the information and communication technologies ease civic participation, to know the electronic services that Public Administrations offer to citizens, to know the technology can be used to participate in democratic actions, to be aware of the technologies and digital media potential as tools for civic participation and to understand how the technology can be used to interact with other services. For this activity we had to know the basic rules for proper communication in virtual environments, to earn to use the main rules of use in communication contexts in virtual environments and we had to know how to reflect this in a comic. We also had to know how to use tools...